Our Services

What we can do for you

Please find below our on-site service list.
We can offer the following services on-site, saving you large transportation costs.

Adjust depth and chime

Body leak weld repair

Colour band body with a single band

Colour band body with two bands

Container inspection

Minor body reform

Neck straightening

Weld repair to chimes

Air pressure leak test to 60 psi

Depth and chime check

Fitting extractor tube and testing

Neck thread gauging

Ream shive

Rsize shive

Ream keystone

Reforming keystone

Reforming chime

Remove labels

Remove shive, keystone and other foreign bodies

Remove extractor tubes

Tap out neck thread


Identity plates

Keystone replacement

Shive and keystone hammers

If you would like more information please visit the contact page and get in touch with us by Clicking Here.